Acree-Rosenheim Test- Definition, Principle, Procedure, Result, Uses


Acree-Rosenheim Test is a biochemical test that detects the presence of tryptophan molecules in a protein sample. Tryptophan is one of the 20 amino acids that make up proteins and has a unique structure with an indole ring. The test is based on the reaction of tryptophan with formaldehyde, which produces a violet-colored compound under acidic conditions. The test can also be used to detect formaldehyde in milk samples, as some milk vendors may use formaldehyde as a preservative to prevent spoilage.

The test is named after Solomon Farley Acree and Sigmund Otto Rosenheim, two biochemists who developed the test in the early 20th century. Acree was an American chemist who studied the chemistry of proteins and amino acids, while Rosenheim was a German-British biochemist who worked on the metabolism of purines and pyrimidines. They collaborated on several research projects and published their findings on the Acree-Rosenheim test in 1912.

The Acree-Rosenheim test is also known as the aldehyde test, as it relies on the presence of aldehyde groups in formaldehyde and tryptophan. The test is simple, quick, and inexpensive to perform and can be used to identify proteins that contain tryptophan or to check the quality of milk samples. However, the test has some limitations, such as being specific only for tryptophan and being affected by the shaking or mixing of the test tube. Therefore, the test should be used with caution and in conjunction with other methods to confirm the results.