Organic waste recycling (methods, steps, significance, barriers)

Organic waste is any material that comes from either a plant or an animal and can be decomposed by microorganisms into carbon dioxide, methane, and simple organic molecules . Organic waste includes food scraps, yard trimmings, paper products, wood, animal manure, and sewage sludge . Organic waste accounts for most of the waste generated in nature and also in urban areas where people consume and discard various organic materials.

Organic waste has a significant impact on urban living systems, both positive and negative. On the positive side, organic waste can be recycled or converted into useful products such as compost, biogas, animal feed, and biofertilizers by different methods such as composting, anaerobic digestion, rendering, and immobilized enzyme reaction. These products can help improve soil quality, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, save resources, and generate renewable energy .

On the negative side, organic waste can also cause environmental and health problems when it is not properly managed or disposed of. Organic waste has a high moisture content which increases the volume of waste and lowers the incineration temperature, making it difficult to burn or landfill. Organic waste also produces odors and attracts pests and rodents which can spread diseases. Organic waste can also contaminate soil and water with pathogens, chemicals, and heavy metals if it is not treated or separated from other wastes .

Therefore, organic waste recycling is an important and beneficial practice for urban living systems as it helps reduce the negative impacts of organic waste and enhance its positive potential. In this article, we will discuss the need for organic waste recycling, the methods of organic waste recycling, the general steps of organic waste recycling, the significance of organic waste recycling, and the barriers and challenges of organic waste recycling.